A Closer Look at our First Job Fairs

In order to provide further opportunities and exclusive events for our applicants, Jubilee Jobs has started hosting monthly Employer Information Sessions at the Line Hotel’s Community Space in Adams Morgan.  The first session occurred in March, and we were lucky to have two staffing companies join us – JET Services Inc. and Unique Staffing Professionals.  Job Counselors started informing their applicants about the event and emails were sent to spread the word. 

On Thursday March 31 at 1:30pm, 20 on-time applicants sat dressed professionally and masked to the teeth inside our Northwest office.  They were escorted by Job Counselors Clary and Paul to the Community Space where Andrew Arceo and Jillian Flores of JET Services Inc. and Unique Staffing Professionals spoke to the audience about the opportunities at their companies.  Following their presentations, both took questions from the applicants and then helped access application forms and took onboarding information.  Some applicants went to work the very next day at Nationals Ballpark and within a week, others were working at the National Zoo selling Dippin’ Dots ice cream to excited kids!

April’s Employer Information Session had another strong turnout of applicants – about 15 – who listened to an engaging welcome and organization summary from Melwood’s Ashley Jones.  Due to the Jubilee Jobs Benefit Dinner and Job Friends Dinner occurring back-to-back in May, we decided to forego the Job Information Session for May in order to catch our breath.  But we are looking forward to our June Employer Information Session, again at the Line Hotel Community Space, where we hope to host either Wegman’s or Colonial Parking.  Please stay tuned!


Jubilee Jobs & The World Bank Community Connections Campaign


Our First Mini Job Fair