
If you are interested in bringing Jubilee Jobs to your community, let us know. We are eager to share our 40 years of experience to:

  • Help you determine if a job placement organization is viable in your community.

  • Determine how best to implement your job placement program.

  • Train you in our job placement model.

  • Offer on-going technical and program support/advice.

  • Welcome you as a member of our network.

Come and See:

The first step is to “come and see” with a visit to our orientation, a discussion with our founder/director, and an overview of the program (1/2 day).

5 Day On Site Training:

After the visit, if you decide to establish a program, we will schedule a 5-day training for you at our offices in Washington, DC. The training will teach you how to:

  • Run orientation sessions for new clients

  • Conduct intake interviews

  • Complete reference checks

  • Conduct job applications/interviews

  • Do job development/market calls.

  • You also will have the opportunity to sit in on our applicant workshops, learn about our job retention and Move Up program, and see our database.


Once established, replication programs are members of Jubilee Jobs National – a supportive network that shares experiences, ideas and resources.

Jubilee Jobs has helped establish the following job placement organizations:


For more information, contact Emma Goldbas, Workforce Development Coordinator, at or (202) 667-8970.