Our First Mini Job Fair

On March 31st, we held our first mini job fair with two employers and 20 applicants at the Community Room of the LINE Hotel. Our applicants strolled over from our Northwest office to the LINE Hotel where they listened to Andrew Arceo of JET Services (a full service food, beverage, novelty, and labor company) and Jillian Flores of Unique Staffing (a staffing agency) discuss the positions they had available throughout the DC area.

The informative presentations turned into one-on-one talks where applicants were able to express their interests and provide their contact information. So far, ten applicants have started working for these employers at places like the National Zoo, Nationals Ball Park, and Audi Field. We hope to see more hired this coming month and throughout the summer. Both employers gave similar positive messages to the applicants: “The ball is now in your court” and “It’s up to you to make something of this opportunity.” This event was so successful that we will hold another mini job fair on April 28th at the LINE.


A Closer Look at our First Job Fairs


Applicant Spotlight: Omar