Jubilee Jobs & The World Bank Community Connections Campaign

Beginning November 1st - December 15th, 2022, donations will be matched 100% by the World Bank from employees and retirees of the World Bank.

How do staff and retirees make a donation?

During the campaign, staff and retirees make their donations through the World Bank Group’s pledging system “eGive” hosted on the workplace giving platform Benevity.

Only pledges received via eGive during the campaign will count toward the campaign. Staff and retirees do have the option to donate directly to Jubilee Jobs but must upload your receipt to eGive for your donation to be matched by the World Bank. Your donation must occur between November 1st through December 15th, 2022.

How your donation supports Jubilee Jobs:

  • $2,500 Helps a job seeker go to work for sustenance, dignity, and hope in 2022

  • $1,000 Supports an Emerging Leader with a job and higher education for their future

  • $500 Supports the job search process (creating a resume, applying for jobs, and participating in interview skills workshops)

  • $250 Covers the cost of transportation for new hires to get to and from work

Donate Here: https://worldbankgroup.benevity.org/user/login

If you are retired and have not set-up your email account to access the Retiree Portal, please click here to view the instructions.

Contact comoutreach@worldbank.org if you have any questions or issues.

*Make sure to upload your receipt to eGive for your donation to be matched by the World Bank!


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