Congratulations on taking the first step towards employment!

We are so excited to begin assisting you. Please familiarize yourself with the steps of our process be sure to ask any questions you may have along the way. We are here to help!

Check out this video our client made to explain our process!

What Job Seekers say about Jubilee Jobs:

“It’s just been a blessing! The Jubilee Jobs program itself helped me out a whole lot!”
- Frederick F., works at Starbucks

“They stick with you and don’t forget about you. It’s nice to have someone in your corner backing you up.”
-Cherly D., works at U.S Kids.

“I need Jubilee Jobs, they were there for me. Never once letting me down, and they check up on you to make sure you’re okay.”
- Pamela J., works at Jubilee Jumpstart

Step 1: Make an Appointment

Call (202)667-8970 to make an appointment with a Job Counselor. Intake appointments are scheduled for a time Monday-Wednesday between 9am-1pm every week.

Step 2: Start Your Resume (optional, but will save you time.)

Use our Resume Builder to save time during your appointment. Fill it out to the best of your ability and you will be emailed the first draft of your resume. This step does not replace making an appointment, you must still call to make an appointment.

Step 3: Show up to your appointment 15 minutes early, with your ID and Social Security Card.

Remember to bring your ID and Social Security Card to your appointment. In order to make sure we can serve the most people, we ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to your appointment so that you can complete our intake application.

Our office is located at 2712 Ontario Rd NW, Washington D.C. 20009.

Step 4: Begin the Jubilee Jobs Program.

Your Job Counselor will walk you through the Jubilee Jobs Program. The program includes:

  • An individual appointment with a job counselor to evaluate job history, skills, and specific circumstances

  • Resume Building

  • Interview skills workshop, including a personal mock interview

  • Online application assistance

  • Job interviews with referrals provided

  • Interview follow-up and feedback

  • Assistance with onboarding paperwork

Step 5: Success!

After completing the interview process and receiving an offer you will be able to begin your new job with all the skills you will need to succeed. Please be sure to let your Job Counselor know if you get hired and stay in touch with Jubilee Jobs!