Volunteer Spotlight: Ian Newport

I started volunteering at Jubilee Jobs (JJ) about three years ago. I had never done anything like this before but was quickly drawn into what I call the JJ family. Listening, guiding, informing, encouraging, respecting and learning from each other are some of the hallmarks of the JJ family and ethos. For me, volunteering is both a pleasure and a privilege, sometimes humbling but always enriching. You learn as much as you may give. My principal activity is giving workshops on developing interview skills. Many times we get into discussions about the various experiences and challenges that people have faced in interviews and life in general. Applicants learn a lot from each other, build up confidence, a store of practical information, and a sense that they are not alone in this complex job-seeking process. During the pandemic, most volunteers had to deal with applicants online via ZOOM, which presented many challenges for everyone but allowed us all to keep working. Amazingly, the staff kept the JJ office open throughout the pandemic and placed over 700 people in jobs. Just being a small part of that amazing process will keep me volunteering for many years to come!

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our Job Counselor, Clary Colon for more information or click here.


Giving Tuesday 2022


Applicant Spotlight: Adalberto B.