Summer Interns Making a Difference

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Ronaldo and Sarah interned with Jubilee Jobs for eight weeks this summer as part of the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty (SHECP) internship program. Jubilee Jobs has been hosting SHECP interns since 2012. Ronaldo and Sarah are both rising Juniors. Ronaldo is from the District of Columbia and attends Marymount University. Sarah is from Birmingham, Alabama and goes to Washington and Lee University.

Ronaldo worked with applicants in all phases of the Jubilee Jobs process—from helping with a few intakes (initial meeting with a Job Counselor) to helping applicants with resumes and online job applications, as well as reaching out to hiring managers about submitted applications and calling potential new employers. Ronaldo also represented Jubilee Jobs with Volunteer and Job Friends Coordinator Vince Van at the Jobs Not Guns recruitment fair. He can be seen in this WJLA news story interacting with a job seeker at this event.

Ronaldo said a highlight for him was helping applicants get a job and seeing their relief. “Jubilee Jobs is an amazing organization. I am glad to have been placed here because I gained exposure to more people in my city that I have not encountered before and learning about how they live. Understanding the stories of people living from paycheck to paycheck as well as those living with government funding makes one want to help even more. A lot of talent and skills are not being used in the best environment, with so many people unemployed because many do have great skills that can be used in the workforce.”

Sarah’s primary work was with Emerging Leaders (ages 16 to 29). She helped plan and recruit for workshops, events, and community meetings. For example, she planned, did outreach for, and helped facilitate the “What’s My Passion” workshop, where Emerging Leaders write about and discuss their goals and then translate them into a vision board.

“One of the main highlights from my summer at Jubilee Jobs has been the staff members I have worked alongside,” Sarah said. “Each Job Counselor and staff member cares deeply about Jubilee’s mission and they make our office a warm and inviting place to be every day. My main takeaway is that for anything in life, polite persistence is key. Persistence in hard work, dedication, understanding, etc. There is no change without persistence.”

Both Ronaldo and Sarah helped moderate the July Job Friends on Zoom (virtual monthly gathering of applicants placed in jobs) with representatives from the Metropolitan Police Department and the DC Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement on the topic of “Building a Safer Community”.

We are very grateful for Ronaldo’s and Sarah’s invaluable contributions and wish them well as they return to their universities.


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