June 2021 Newsletter

June marked beginnings and endings in our work. We’re excited that June is the first full month when we resumed in-person orientations for applicants. It’s also the end of the school year when despite a pandemic and providing our Emerging Leaders program virtually, we expanded the program to another DC high school.

We’re Back with In-Person Orientations


Attending orientation is the first step applicants take in their journey with Jubilee Jobs. The pandemic forced us to hold orientations virtually and people had to watch an orientation video on our website. For applicants who didn’t have reliable access to the Internet, had limited data plans, or weren’t tech savvy, we did orientations one-on-one by phone or socially distanced at our office. But it wasn’t the same as meeting as a group in-person every week.

We were thrilled to hold our first in-person orientations on May 17th and as of June 28th, 61 people have attended an orientation. Orientations take place every Monday morning from 9:00 am to 10:00 am at our Southeast office (2419 Minnesota Avenue, SE) and in Adams Morgan in Northwest DC – currently at the Ritz Apartments (1631 Euclid Street, NW). The latest information about orientation is always on our website and potential applicants do not have to register to attend, but they must arrive before 9:00 am.

Emerging Leaders Program Expansion

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Since 2019, Jubilee Jobs has had a partnership with Ballou High School in Ward 8 to provide our Emerging Leaders program (job preparation and placement services geared to young adults) to their Juniors and Seniors. The program has been entirely virtual since March 2020 and has included job counseling sessions, workshops on setting goals, resume assistance, mock interviews, and assistance with online job applications.

In February 2021, we expanded the Emerging Leaders Program to H.D. Woodson High School in Ward 7 with seven students participating. H.D. Woodson’s College and Career Coordinator Tiana Ottley says that “Jubilee jobs was critical in helping students create stronger resumes.”

One such student is Kalyn, who just graduated from H.D. Woodson last week and this fall will attend Fortis College in Landover, Maryland to study to become a dental hygienist. Emerging Leaders Job Counselor DeSean Lawson did all his work with Kalyn remotely. This included job counseling, conducting the What’s My Passion workshop and interview skills workshop, updating her resume, and helping her complete five online job applications, which landed her a job at Whole Foods in only one week.

Kalyn says that “One thing that I learned from Jubilee Jobs is there is always something out there for you. You just have to believe in yourself and go after it. Thank you to Jubilee Jobs for helping me reach my next steps in life.”

Summer Challenge Continues

Thank you to those who have already contributed to our 2021 Summer Challenge!

Please donate today to help young people like Kalyn get a good start in working life. Double the impact of your donation by matched one-to-one this summer.


Summer Interns Making a Difference


Do More 24 is Today!