Looking Forward in 2022

By Christine Gossens
Executive Director

Jubilee Jobs opened our doors to the New Year with gratitude and optimism. In the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic, we were grateful for our competent and committed staff, dedicated volunteers, and generous donors. Never once did any of these groups take their eyes off the mission of helping people find work for sustenance, dignity, and hope. And we were inspired every day by the perseverance of our clients. As a result of everyone’s efforts, 300 individuals found a caring, compassionate community and employment in 2021.

We enter 2022 optimistic that life will soon resume to normalcy. Already we have new job seekers inquiring daily about our services and employers calling with job openings. And we’re eagerly anticipating the day we can once again hold our post-placement program Job Friends dinner together in one place instead of by Zoom.

In 2022, our goals are to:

  • Provide excellent job preparation and placement services: Help 300 unemployed individuals with barriers to employment find jobs.

  • Strengthen work with young adults: Support 75 Emerging Leaders with job placement assistance and share training and education resources.

  • Expand awareness of our services: Strengthen outreach efforts to DC job seekers.

  • Deepen employer partnerships: Build on existing employer network and create new partnerships to identify good job opportunities for clients.

  • Provide a supportive community to clients placed in jobs: Continue bringing excellent resources to clients through our Job Friends program.

We are so proud of all that has been accomplished in 2021 and over the past 40 years, since our founding in 1981. And we look forward to 2022 and keeping you updated on our progress on our goals for this year. Thank you for being a part of this important work.


2021 Annual Report


Applicant Spotlight: Liza G.