Applicant Spotlight: Liza G.

Liza G., a 48-year-old native Washingtonian who graduated from Dunbar High School, is the mother of five children. Her solid employment history includes working with children and adults with developmental disabilities and experience as a lead inspector for HUD.

Liza came to us for job search assistance in September 2021. She had been out of the workforce for several years tending to personal and family matters, but now she was eager to get back to work. She met with her Job Counselor, participated in interview skills workshops, and met with volunteers to update her resume as well as provide support with submitting online job applications.

Liza’s determination and follow-through paid off quickly. She kept in constant contact with her Job Counselor and within a month, Liza was hired at Safeway as a grocery clerk. She also completed an application with the U.S. Postal Service and is eagerly awaiting an assignment.

Liza is thrilled to be working and earning an income. She says that Jubilee Jobs “really does what it claims to do. If a person is serious and in need of a job, Jubilee Jobs will find them one!”


Looking Forward in 2022


Volunteer Spotlight: Workshop Leaders