2021 Fall Newsletter

40 Years of Jubilee Jobs

Jubilee Jobs is celebrating 40 years! Years discovering the courage and resilience of applicants, the constant changing of the economy, and immense generosity and caring of so many in the Washington community. We believed that work could bring sustenance, dignity, and hope. Often it does. Even in the most stressful days – especially the pandemic, hope has stayed alive on a daily basis.

When we began in June 1981, we thought we were an emergency program to help Jubilee Housing residents find jobs in the midst of a recession. Many more people came in, too, urgently needing work.

Soon, we needed more space. We moved our desk, two chairs and a telephone into a two-bedroom apartment across the street. We celebrated by adding more desks, chairs and a job counselor who spoke Spanish. Now we could help those among the Spanish speaking community, especially from El Salvador, to find employment, too.

Homelessness was increasing and people struggling with mental illness desperately wanted a place to work and belong. We created Cana Industries, a small mailing business to provide community, respect, and preparation for a job. We also discovered how to help people experiencing homelessness find work, even while living in a shelter.

Then we were so busy we had to share desks and borrow workshop space. The house at 2712 Ontario Road became available to rent with option to buy. We were able to move in and celebrated our 10th anniversary with 5,000 placements and became owners of our own building in 1991.

Through the years the circumstances of applicants and realities of the marketplace have shifted and our program has changed too. Mass incarceration, the Great Recession of 2008 with desperate need especially from Southeast, low wages making self-support impossible, immigrants from troubled countries, the challenge of recovery – all of these and more have called forth new strategies and initiatives to make work a reality.

Above all, the community of caring people in our city, in our country and even from abroad, has been the lavish, steady caring support for the mission of Jubilee Jobs. More than 27,000 people have found the work they were looking for at a time of greatest need. The need continues and our hearts are filled with gratitude for the privilege of continuing to work with all of you – volunteers, supporters, employers, faith communities, and above all, applicants to provide Work for Sustenance, Dignity, and Hope


Applicant Spotlight: Brenda Vincent

Congratulations, Brenda Vincent! She achieved her dream for 12 years and graduated from college in 2021. Brenda is now working with a community service non-profit, guiding and supporting women in their journey to wholeness.

Brenda came to Jubilee Jobs from Samaritan Inns Recovery program with three months of clean time. She needed employment and was quickly hired at Starbucks. She earned her One Year Pin, but said, like many other applicants, “I need this job but I really want to finish my college and give back by helping other people.” Brenda has stayed with her dream, continuing to work and also enrolling in college to complete her degree. She is a valued member of the Jubilee Jobs community, walking with us in the Walkathon for the Homeless, sharing her journey on the Christmas calendar, and being a faithful participant in monthly Job Friends gatherings. Her persistence and caring life is an inspiration for all of us.

Thank you, Brenda. As is said in AA, “You didn’t quit before the miracle happened!”


Volunteer Spotlight: Alice Goodman & Roberta McInerney

Putting together captivating resumes is among the many gifts Alice Goodman and Roberta McInerney bring to applicants at Jubilee Jobs. Alice came to Jubilee Jobs in 2011 through Saturday Day of Service with St. Columba’s Episcopal Church. Retirement gave her more time to work with applicants. She loves hearing people’s stories, helping them recognize their skills and accomplishments in a resume. “Wow, I did all that,” applicants exclaim.

She and Roberta McInerney are friends and colleagues since the 1980’s, working on the Hill and at the FDIC. Roberta followed Alice’s lead when she retired four years ago and came to Jubilee Jobs, too. She also loves the way applicants who come to Jubilee Jobs are shown value and respect. She greatly admires the applicants and their journeys, and feels privileged to help them move forward. Both appreciate that Jubilee Jobs keeps each volunteer informed about where their applicant is placed.

Alice and Roberta, along with a cadre of additional dedicated volunteers, expand job preparation and placement support far beyond the capacity of Jubilee Jobs’ small staff. Their deep respect and professional expertise give a special boost to each applicant, and also to the staff.

Thank you, Alice and Roberta, for the gifts of caring, wisdom and time you bring to those struggling and eager to work in our city.


Emerging Leaders Spotlight: Shantease Goodman

If there was an applicant who represents the saying “trust the process,” it would be Shantease Goodman. Shantease is a 22-year-old Emerging Leader who came to Jubilee Jobs in September 2021 with two goals in mind: to strengthen her professional skills and find a job. Shantease, who was encouraged by her grandmother to go to Jubilee Jobs, attended every workshop offered by Jubilee Jobs during her first week.

Despite not having any work experience, Shantease was able to get a job at Safeway in the produce department. “Jubilee Jobs has a great team who was very helpful throughout the orientation week,” says Shantease. “Jubilee is a place for those who are serious about getting their life together and it works.” Though Shantease spends much time working at Safeway, she is an aspiring photographer who has a passion for art. “I enjoy working at Safeway cutting fruit because in a way it’s like creating art each day.”


Jubilee Jobs Staff Update!

In July, we welcomed Claribelisse (Clary) Colon as a Job Counselor. Born in Puerto Rico, Clary graduated from Calvin Coolidge High School in DC and brings to Jubilee Jobs her excellent interpersonal and administrative skills that she developed during her 10 years working in property management and leasing.

Clary says, “What I enjoy the most so far is getting to know so many different people from so many backgrounds. The excitement once they have been hired is an incredible feeling to be a part of. Zaba was hired at Love & Care Child Development Center and was so happy it was close to her home and her kids could attend as well.” As a Latina, Clary says that “What I am most looking forward to is helping the Hispanic community with my Spanish background. I want to help educate the Spanish-speaking community in proper interview preparations and help them build their confidence. In general, I am just grateful to have the opportunity to help others.”


Summer Challenge 2021!

Thank you all for making this year’s Summer Challenge such a success. We are so pleased to be able to report that thanks to our generous donors, Jubilee Jobs exceeded our goal of $60,000. As a result, your donation was matched one-to-one by our Board of Directors and Corporate Sponsors.

With your help, 110 people received individual job counseling services and 97 applicants secured employment this summer! Work for sustenance, dignity, and hope has become a reality for them now.

Our hearts are filled with gratitude that a summer of hard work brought such success, even in the midst of the pandemic.


Applicant Spotlight: Lasaundra Miller


Applicant Spotlight: Russell Diggs