Partner Spotlight: Blair House

Partnerships with social service organizations are an important aspect of Jubilee Jobs. These organizations make referrals of clients to Jubilee Jobs, and we refer our clients to them to help with non-employment needs. This referral process and team approach greatly benefits both organizations’ clients. One of our valued partnerships is with the Blair House, operated by the Coalition for the Homeless.   

Blair House provides housing, meals, and comprehensive supportive services to men experiencing homelessness for up to six months. Its unique programing is focused on assisting each resident to return to independent living and to obtain employment. Services include education and financial management, employment and housing placement assistance, life skills training, and substance abuse counseling and education. 

Since 2012, Jubilee Jobs has worked closely with Jerome Miller, Blair’s Employment Counselor.  Mr. Miller, a seasoned case manager who has worked for the Coalition for the Homeless since 1995, refers work ready clients, like this month’s spotlight applicant Russell, to our program for job placement assistance. What he most appreciates about Jubilee Jobs’ model is that it “moves fast to help the client find employment”. Within a week, the job seeker is well prepared for the job search and ready to start working. Mr. Miller also appreciates that the Jubilee Jobs process places some responsibility and ownership on the job seeker. 

Thank you, Mr. Miller and Blair House, for your long partnership.


The 90’s at Jubilee Jobs


Volunteer Spotlight: The District Church