The Season of Joy

Joy is many kinds. Sometimes it comes silently, opening all closed doors and making itself at home in the desolate heart. it has no forerunner save itself. It brings its own welcome and salutation. Through the faces and stories of these applicants we share our joy over the past year - new jobs, unexpected opportunities, brave steps taken toward a better future, glimmers of hope. The love and gifts of so many have brought joy in the lives of applicants.


Paul B.

Paul has been an applicant with Jubilee Jobs and hired for several food service positions. He began working at Lamont Nursing homes in the midst of the Pandemic. He says, “I work with a good crew. The best part of the job is organizing the line. My specialty is to know five stations perfectly. I don’t see it being hard and it’s steady.” He earned his first vacation ever as an adult in the summer of 2022, going to Orlando to celebrate.

Anothony A.

Anthony came to Jubilee Jobs in May 2021. He told his job counselor he felt himself to be “deeply unemployable.” The job market did not agree. After completing all the job prep steps, he received a call from a local grocery. Success! He got the job. Anthony is absolutely thrilled! - His first "real" job in over 10 years! He called to say "I learned so much! I learned how to clock in and out and how to read my schedule.” I could hear him smiling through the phone.

Pamela J.

“I think anything is possible if you have the mindset and the will and desire to do it and put the time in.” Pamela said, “if you really want to get on your feet and you need a new start please go to Jubilee Jobs.” Pamela was working at Bright Beginnings in 2021. She stated that anytime she needed help with finding and getting a new job she would only think about Jubilee Jobs. She soon wanted to find a new job and was able to get hired at Jubilee Jumpstart. She is thrilled and happy about her experience with Jumpstart. Over the years Jubilee Jobs has helped support Pamela thru her journey of finding work and growing. Pamela said, “I need Jubilee Jobs, they were there for me. Never once letting me down, and they check up on you to make sure you’re okay.”

James P.

James says, “Helping others is everything. Loving others is the only thing.” When asked how the Jubilee Jobs process has been for him, he said “Jubilee Jobs does so much for people more than just help them get jobs. Jubilee is just the best.” James was able to find a second job at Wegmans in DC as a hands person. They help customers with their bags. He loves his second job very much

Antoine W.

Antoine was hired by The Bus in Prince Georges County as a bus driver, using his commercial driving license and excellent customer service skills. He says, “It is a great job. Full time, good wages, and with benefits. I like keeping people happy by smiling, greeting them with Good Morning, especially regular riders.” He first came to Jubilee Jobs in 2008, found work, and then went to school to earn his Commercial Driving license. Antoine has had several jobs and his advice to everyone is, "don't give up!"

Dennis W.

Dennis is currently residing in the Jubilee Reentry program and came to us looking to get back into the workforce. After his workshops Dennis got involved with another training program connected with his house and was also able to submit an application on Indeed for an Attendant position at Colby’s Dog Care and Spa, where he was later hired. Dennis said that working with Jubilee Jobs was “a very easy experience” and he is very “grateful for all the work they did with him.” Dennis may have found one of the best jobs around!

Farhan Z.

Farhan and his wife came to the U.S. as refugees from Afghanistan at the beginning of the summer and found help through District Church. Mark Sawyer sent him to Jubilee Jobs after finding out he had been a financial advisor in the Presidential Palace in Afghanistan. Washington Hilton called Farhan back after his interview. He accepted an Accounting Clerk position with them. With a new job and a new baby, Farhan has had a nice welcome to the USA!

Davon W.

Devon is originally from Jamaica and had a long career as an office assistant with a law firm in DC. In March 2020 Devon was laid off because of the Covid-19 pandemic. He came to Jubilee Jobs in April 2022, ready to get back into the job market. Luckily Jubilee Jobs knew of the perfect job for him as the front desk clerk at the Cathedral Avenue Cooperative apartments. Devon loves his job, and the management and residents of Cathedral Avenue Coop love him. He says, “Thank you Jubilee Jobs, The job at Cathedral Ave is exactly what I was looking for!“


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Giving Tuesday 2022