November Update

The season of change is living up to its name here at Jubilee Jobs, and what a joy it is to catch you up on all the happenings here.

On Tuesday, our beloved and inspiring founder, Terry Flood, was honored at the 50th Anniversary celebration of Jubilee Housing for her Lifetime Contributions. We are proud to know Terry and be a part of this wonderful organization, and we thank her always for her work. See the video of the presenting of the award here:

On Wednesday, we held our Monthly Job friends dinner. Seats were packed as we all had the privilege of hearing Paul tell us about his major keys to the job search. We enjoyed a hot meal, great company, and a few even won raffle prizes.

Giving Tuesday is less than 2 weeks away! We have partnered with Spur’s Give Local Together campaign. We aim to raise $6,000 this Giving Tuesday for our programs. This year we have started offering trainings for certifications for our clients. With your help, we can expand these offerings to put our clients in higher paying positions. Thanks to your generosity, our clients can have the opportunity to invest in themselves. Check out our Give Local Together page here:

Thank you for continuing your support for Jubilee Jobs, and we look forward to closing out 2023 with more job placements in time for the holidays.


Winter at Jubilee Jobs!


ServSafe Success!