Hiring Returning Citizens

“I bet you can’t get me a job.  I just got home from prison.”  Yes we can.  Jubilee Jobs is the place for second chances.

Ted spent 5 years in prison because  he was in the wrong place with the wrong people at the wrong time.  His friends had a car and some drugs, so when the police stopped them for going through a red light, he was arrested, along with the others.  He was not a bad person, just caught in the street culture like so many young black men.

He came to Jubilee Jobs, needing a job and a high school diploma.  He got both.  He was hired at an auto parts store, and his job counselor tutored him in math until he could pass the test.

Today Ted is working full time with a corporate position in a grocery store.

Everyone who comes to Jubilee Jobs needs a second chance but none so urgently as the applicant with a prison record.  Employers who take a chance with an ex-offenders are almost always glad they did.  Hard working, humble, and determined to build a new life describe the Jubilee Jobs ex-offender attitude.  That is why we have been able to find work for 4400 ex-offenders over the past ten years – that is an average of 440 every year!  The results will surprise you.  Imagine ex-offenders  becoming managers, accountants, counselors, trusted team members. These are just some of the significant positions held by Jubilee Jobs applicants who also happened to have served  time in prison.

Jubilee Jobs counselors are committed to finding the most qualified and appropriate person for every job opening.  It would be a shame to miss out on the best applicant just because he or she also had made a mistake in the past.


Selma Alabama