Annual Report 2020

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Dear Friends,

The Jubilee Jobs logo is more than a drawing of our building on Ontario Road. It is a representation of our mission - to open doors of opportunity for individuals in need of employment. In 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic spread throughout the region, our open door took on new meaning.

As Washington, DC closed down due to the pandemic, Jubilee Jobs remained open, by appointment and with social distancing in place. Our porches became job counseling offices and our classrooms became Zoom work stations. Orientation and job preparation workshops moved to online platforms, and our volunteer and post-placement support programs became virtual.

The phone at Jubilee Jobs was always answered and the door of opportunity was always open. Amazingly, 241 individuals found work for sustenance, dignity and hope. “Thank you for answering the phone” said a caller in the early days of the shut-down. “I have been calling places for two days and you are the first time anyone picked up.”

This year challenged us to be creative in the way we supported applicants.

  • We filed unemployment claims on behalf of laid-off applicants and answered questions about the CARES Act.

  • With two generous grants from the Greater Washington Community Foundation's COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, we provided small cash grants to 125 returning citizens, individuals experiencing homelessness, and single parents laid off because of the pandemic and seeking new jobs.

  • Our monthly Jobs Friends dinner topics included the theme of “managing life in the pandemic” and in lieu of dinner,we sent a grocery card to every attendee.

Our report for 2020 reflects the exceptional efforts of a caring and faithful community. And it tells the story of women and men who “came through our open door” every day in search of work. They became the heroic frontline workers--the grocers, nursing home workers, and delivery drivers who sustained the city during COVID-19. We are deeply grateful for your support. Thank you.

Jubilee Jobs by the Numbers and Volunteer Report

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2020 presented challenges for us all and especially for those looking for employment. The pandemic required Jubilee Jobs to shift the entire volunteer program to the virtual platform Zoom and telephone conference calls. Fortunately this didn’t stop our dedicated volunteers from connecting with and helping over 200 applicants find jobs. We're grateful for the critical support, and for their patience and flexibility

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Applicant & Emerging Leaders Highlight

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Sam Crews - Courage, Community, Compassion

Sam was well on his way in his dream career in the hospitality industry, building on his associate’s degree in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism. He worked in high-end restaurants and loved the work. Unfortunately it was also an environment that led to his struggles with addiction. Finally he found an excellent recovery program to give him the structure and a plan needed to recover from his addiction. After some months with support and accountability, he came to Jubilee Jobs to reenter the hospitality industry. This time he is aware of the debilitating disease of addiction and the importance of a community of support. His first job through Jubilee Jobs was a temp position over Christmas where he earned some money and gathered confidence in living in the new life he found in recovery. Now he is working at Safeway, providing excellent customer service and kind, competent personal attention for customers. He enjoys his work and finds that it supports his recovery process. Sam is a regular participant at our month virtual Job Friends Dinner. He maintains close contact with his job counselor and knows he can count on Jubilee Jobs for his next career step.

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Taylor Toles - Becoming

Taylor first came to Jubilee Jobs in February 2019, after her father told her about us, since he was looking for work, too. She was 20 years old and needed a job to support herself and her one-year-old little boy. She was quickly hired at a daycare center, but the pandemic caused it to close. She has been working at Safeway since October 2020 and says she likes her job because “the people are so terrific.” During this time, Taylor has been a member of Jubilee Jobs’ young women’s group, Becoming, which meets monthly virtually. The women support each other in setting and achieving their goals. Taylor’s dream is to become a journalist, interviewing people with lives very different from hers. She would especially like to interview actress Regina King. Taylor says, “Regina King interests me because she is a good actress and also has a positive life.” Taylor plans to go to college to turn her dream of becoming a journalist into a reality.


April 2021 Newsletter


Fall Newsletter | October 2020